Our Plans

Select the 12-month membership offering that best suits you.

Early Bird rates available to anyone who joins on/before June 30, 2023.


For those who are curious and committed to leadership excellence

You will receive the following:

  • Access to the Leader Library, a members-only set of curated leadership resources and tools

  • Weekly "Wisdom Well" email series containing practices and reflections that increase emotional agility, intellectual curiosity, spiritual grounding, and embodied leadership

  • Essentials of Transformation primer and worksheet

$450 annually


For those who are ready to explore the power of the Enneagram

You will receive Social Member benefits (Leader Library resources; Essentials of Transformation primer; weekly "Wisdom Well" weekly email series), plus the following:

  • Integrative Enneagram (IEQ9) Standard Profile using Integrative Enneagram’s assessment

  • 90-minute Enneagram debrief session

  • 20% off executive coaching rates and course/workshop fees for duration of membership

$1,750 annually


For those seeking to learn in community and fellowship

You will receive Social Member benefits (Leader Library resources; Essentials of Transformation primer; weekly "Wisdom Well" weekly email series), plus the following:

  • Integrative Enneagram (IEQ9) Professional Profile using Integrative Enneagram’s assessment

  • 2.5 hours individual coaching to include Enneagram debrief and insight session

  • Companion Workbook for Transformation

  • Invitation to monthly online Thrive Circle gatherings. Think Wisdom Circle meets Sunday dinner table.

  • 25% off executive coaching rates and course/workshop fees for duration of membership

$2,500 annually