Leadership in Times of Transformation
Like it or not, 2020 ushered in a season of transformation upon many of us. In most cases it was unexpected, often painful, and highly disruptive. As the words of Richard Rohr, OFM, reminds us: “Change happens, but transformation is a process in which we are required to let go of something. It’s one in which we must live in a confusing, shadowy space for a while before arriving at an unexpected/new shore.” As you allow his words to settle in, consider your own experience of transformation. Where do you find yourself at this moment in time? Where are you ready to go next?
In prior posts, I wrote about the stages of transformation and the important role of resilience. Today I invite you to consider the other survival items necessary for a well-equipped “Resilience Backpack” along this journey. The key here is to travel lightly while ensuring you have what you will need for the road ahead.
Your Compass – In light of this past year, where is your journey leading you? Can you identify what is your personal true north, aligned with your values and intentions?
Water and Food – What are your daily nourishment/resilience practices that sustain your well-being and give you strength to keep placing one foot in front of the other, especially on the difficult days?
Flashlight – What sources of light do you prioritize connecting with that allow you to sense the path ahead, even if only slightly visible?
Tent – Where are your places of respite that provide you with rest and renewal along the way?
Sunblock / First Aid Kit / Rain Gear – What antidotes are you carrying that help you recover from the inevitable scrapes, bumps along the road, and rainy days that you will encounter?
It is our deepest desire that anyone feeling the call to a journey of transformation has what s/he will need to realize the new beginnings that wish to emerge from our individual and collective experiences of 2020.